

Aura imaging allows you to see clear and beautiful pictures of your aura so that you can gain greater insight into your core self. In Eastern religious traditions, it is thought to emerge directly from the chakras and is expressed as a multi-colored body of light that surrounds a person.

The two most complete opposite objects…

Finally, meet and become intertwined so you can now physically see your aura for yourself
Have you been one of those skeptical people feeling like there is something beyond but wanting to see it for yourself? Aura pro is for you. With reading, you can physically visit for yourself, and it will tell you about your chakras, alignment, energy, personality, and character. You could also take home your reading with you.

Your session involves an intuitive energy specialist that will be able to go over the details with you so that there is no confusion--just full enlightenment and power to your inner self
Our intuitive staff is naturally gifted and intuitive

If you're interested in learning more, call for an appointment.

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Crystal Light Therapy

Crystal Light Therapy involves the use of frequency-calibrated crystals and lights to align your chakras or energy centers that helps restore your physical, mental and emotional balance. 

This includes playing soft meditation music and reciting positive healing mantras to create a comfortable and meditative atmosphere. In addition, I use sage candles and spray hypoallergenic oils to provide you with a deep intense feeling.

New Project

Sound Healing

I use quartz crystal singing bowls that produce calming sounds and have natural healing properties. These vibrations, when produced rhythmically with colors, can reach your chakras and balance them. I often combine sound healing with meditation sessions for the best results.

Reiki Session

Aura Cleansing

Aura cleansing is an alternative form of healing used to cleanse your mind, body, and spirit. This helps you get rid of negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions while attracting positive energies and people to your life. A cleansed aura generates positive vibes, enhances clarity of thought, and helps you focus on your priorities in life.